When Should I Update My Homeowner’s Policy?

It’s tempting to think you can forget about your homeowner’s policy once you’ve secured it. However, it’s important to update it in certain circumstances. We offer homeowner’s insurance at Tackett Insurance Inc. in Memphis, TN.

Changes in Home Values

If home values have changed since you procured your policy, it may be necessary to update your coverage. Should home values increase, your dwelling coverage should be adjusted to reflect this.

Changes to Your Home

Should you make improvements or renovations to your home, it is a must to update your policy. This ensures that you have sufficient coverage and allows the insurer to recalculate the value of your home.

This includes adding a new room, updating your kitchen, or replacing your roof.

Additionally, update your policy if you’ve added items that augment your liability risk, such as a pool or a trampoline. You may need to increase your liability coverage in such instances.

Changes to Your Household

An adjustment in your household, such as a new occupant or a recent pet, calls for a policy update. Significant lifetime changes like getting married or divorced also necessitate a policy review.

Increased Security

Many insurers offer discounts for installing security devices. These could be a security system, a locking gate, or a water shut-off mechanism. Besides increasing your home’s security, these devices can reduce the likelihood of an insurance claim, resulting in savings for you and the insurance company in the long run.

Homeowner’s Insurance at Tackett Insurance Inc.

Are you searching for homeowner’s insurance in Memphis, TN? Contact us at Tackett Insurance Inc. Our affable agents will understand your needs and help you select the most appropriate policy.